COVID-19 Crisis: How On-Demand Warehousing Help Businesses Adapt

On the heels of the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic. The uncertainty of the outbreak brings with it a significant paradigm-shift. Businesses must remain agile to serve the needs of the people, which means looking at ways in which we can better support each other until things inevitably get back to normal.

Where We Are Now

Essential services that support the country’s critical infrastructure remain open; banks, government offices, and grocery stores continue to serve our needs, but no matter what industry we’re talking about, everyone is experiencing a slowdown.

Shipments are backlogged, especially of goods that originate overseas. Ship and air cargo spaces are becoming scarce as countries and freight companies start to reduce and limit flights and ship routes.

Fortunately, there are options and resources available to help businesses stay the course and thrive during this unprecedented period. On-demand warehousing offers flexible, scalable options that help you answer business needs, no matter what industry niche you are in. 

How On-Demand Warehousing Helps

From a logistics standpoint, there is a marked increase in demand for certain types of products such as personal protection equipment (PPE) while seeing a decrease in products for recreation or outdoor activities. Companies that have pre-booked to a certain capacity might not use it, while others will require more. Connecting these two elements is what on-demand warehousing is all about.

To meet current demand, businesses that provide essential items are preparing, stocking their warehouses with supplies, so they are ready to respond when needed. This approach requires extra storage space because there is no guarantee as to when new goods will arrive. 

To maintain adequate supply to support any eventuality, companies that leverage on-demand warehousing will be better able to satisfy the needs of the people without putting undue stress on their business model.

Flexible Warehouse Solutions

Warehouses located close to city centers allow businesses to offer same-day or next-day fulfillment, options that could help quell the anxiety and fear that many people are feeling right now while in self-isolation.

By adopting a flexible, strategic warehousing posture, companies remain agile and active while supporting basic human needs. On the other side of the coin, warehouse operators sitting with empty space can connect with companies that require extra space, alleviating the strain from every angle. 

FlexHouse warehouse solutions matches excess space with the need for space, providing the balance you need and assuring your business continuity, even in these uncertain times. 

How We Can Help You, How You Can Help Others

To learn more, please fill out our online form. Let us know how much space you are looking for or, if you have warehouse space to fill, tell us how much you can provide. We welcome any questions you might have and would be delighted to show you how we can help.